Simple & Fast Base64 Encoding and Decoding

Transform your text to Base64 format effortlessly using our free online tool, ideal for developers, data scientists, and anyone in need of encoding to base64.

Encode to Base64

Encoded Text

Decode from Base64

Decoded Text

What is Base64 Encoding?

The term Base64 originates from the 64 unique characters (26 uppercase letters, 26 lowercase letters, 10 numbers, and 2 symbols) used in the encoding process. This set of characters forms the "base" for the encoding, hence the name "Base64".

Base64 encoding is a technique used to convert binary data, which computers understand, into a string of ASCII characters, which humans can read. Think of it as translating a foreign language into English, making it more familiar and easier to handle in text-focused systems.

How Does It Work?

At its core, Base64 works by taking every 3 bytes of binary data and turning them into 4 ASCII characters. Imagine you have a puzzle with small pieces. Base64 groups those pieces into larger chunks, much like assembling sections of a puzzle. Each chunk is then matched to a specific letter or number from the set of 64 characters. This way, the complex data is represented using simple characters we recognize, making it both compact and readable.

Common Use Cases:


While Base64 is a powerful tool, it's not a secret code. Anything encoded in Base64 can be easily decoded. Also, using Base64 increases the size of the data by about 33%, so while it makes data text-friendly, it's not always the most space-efficient method.